Quiero caer desde las estrellas hasta tus brazos... |
Lo que si espero es que llegue el fin de la sequía bloguera que me azota... porque está costando demasiado publicar fotos y canciones... Las vacaciones han dejado algunas fotos interesantes, ahora falta ir descubriendo canciones...
Para acabar agosto me encontré con esta preciosa foto de mi gran amigo Carlos... que nada más verla (no se si por el color rojizo del cielo o por las estrellas) me recordó a Simply Red y su preciosa canción "Stars".
El cielo estrellado tiene algo que nos fascina, que nos atrapa y que nos hace ver en él la inmensidad del Universo, el misterio de lo desconocido y un lugar perfecto para que nuestros deseos se almacenen a la espera de que el destino quiera hacerlos realidad.
El cielo estrellado y el amor también van de la mano... la persona a la que amamos se convierte de forma mágica en una de las estrellas del firmamento, que aunque para el resto del mundo sea uno más de los luceros celestes, para nosotros es único, es nuestra estrella, es nuestra luz, nuestro deseo...
Aunque la canción de Simply Red... parece que cuenta lo difícil que puede llegar a ser para alguien el no sentirse correspondido... y que su estrella, a la que él mira y admira... no solo no le devuelve la admiración sino que parece que mira y admira a otras estrellas, incluso a otros universos...
Lo que si tengo claro es que siempre nos quedarán las estrellas...
Te dejo la letra y el vídeo (con la traducción al español para que lo entiendas mejor...).
Feliz fin de vacaciones...
Anyone who ever held you
Would tell you the way I'm feeling
Anyone who ever wanted you
Would try to tell you what I feel inside
The only thing I ever wanted
Was the feeling that you ain't faking
The only one you ever thought about
Wait a minute can't you see that I
I wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend
For the man who tried to hurt you
He's explaining the way I'm feeling
For all the jealousy I caused you
States the reason why I'm trying to hide
As for all the things you taught me
It sends my future into clearer dimensions
You'll never know how much you hurt me
Stay a minute can't you see that I
I wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend
Too many hearts are broken
A lover's promise never came with a maybe
So many words are left unspoken
The silent voices are driving me crazy
As for all the pain you caused me
Making up could never be your intention
You'll never know how much you hurt me
Stay can't you see that I
I wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend ...
Would tell you the way I'm feeling
Anyone who ever wanted you
Would try to tell you what I feel inside
The only thing I ever wanted
Was the feeling that you ain't faking
The only one you ever thought about
Wait a minute can't you see that I
I wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend
For the man who tried to hurt you
He's explaining the way I'm feeling
For all the jealousy I caused you
States the reason why I'm trying to hide
As for all the things you taught me
It sends my future into clearer dimensions
You'll never know how much you hurt me
Stay a minute can't you see that I
I wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend
Too many hearts are broken
A lover's promise never came with a maybe
So many words are left unspoken
The silent voices are driving me crazy
As for all the pain you caused me
Making up could never be your intention
You'll never know how much you hurt me
Stay can't you see that I
I wanna fall from the stars
Straight into your arms
I, I feel you
I hope you comprehend ...